Obyek Wisata Air Panas Ciater, bagi masyarakat Indonesia, apa lagi Jawa Barat dan Wilayah lain di Nusantara ini, sudah mengenalnya. Tourism Hot Water Ciater, for the people of Indonesia, what else West Java and other areas in this archipelago, already know him. Karena obyek wisata ini, selain dijadikan sebagai sarana rekreasi keluarga, obyek wisata air panas Ciater ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesehatan. Because of these attractions, in addition to serve as a means of family recreation, tourism Ciater hot water can also be used for health. Pasalnya berdasar hasil penelitian serta analisa Balneologi, sumber air hangat mineral yang ada mengandung Calsium, Magnesium, Chloride, sulfat, Thermo, Mineral, serta Hypertherma dengan kadar aluminium yang tinggi yaitu 38,5 equiv persen, dan keasamannya juga sangat tinggi yaitu PH : 2,45. The reason is based on the results of research and analysis of balneology, mineral hot springs that exist contain Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, sulfate, Thermo, Minerals, and Hypertherma with high levels of aluminum that is 38.5 equiv percent, and the acidity is also very high at PH: 2 , 45.

Jarak dan waktu tempuh : The distance and travel time:
Tarif Masuk : Tariff Login:
1. 1. Tiket masuk obyek wisata Rp 14.000./Orang. Entrance fee of Rp 14.000./Orang.
2. 2. Tarif Kolam Pemandian atau kamar mandi Rp. Rates Swimming bath or shower room USD. 80.000/Orang. 80.000/Orang.
3. 3. Tarif Kolam Pemandian sederhana Rp. Swimming Baths simple tariff of Rp. 20.000 – Rp. 20,000 - Rp. 55.000 untuk sekali mandi. 55,000 for one bath.
Fasilitas : Facilities:
1. 1. Bungalaw, Bungalaw,
2. 2. Hotel, Hotels,
3. 3. Villa, Villa,
4. 4. Sarana permainan anak sampai dewasa, Facilities games children to adults,
5. 5. Sarana olah raga, Sports facilities,
6. 6. Arum jeram, Arum rapids,
7. 7. Out bond, Out bond,
8. 8. Sarana berbelanja Means shopping
9. 9. Masjid. Mosque.
10. 10. Fasilitas resort Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort mempunyai 103 kamar dan bungalow dengan berbagai tipe, lengkap dengan fasilitas ruangannya. Facilities at the resort Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort has 103 rooms and bungalows with various types, complete with office facilities.
11. 11. Fasilitas olahraga dan adventure Tenis lapangan, basket, volley, put & put mini golf, wahana anak-anak, tea walk, paint ball games, gokart off road, dsb. Adventure sports facilities and tennis court, basketball, volleyball, mini put put & golf, children's rides, tea walk, paint ball games, go-kart off road, etc..
12. 12. Fasilitas rekreasi Kolam rendam air panas, perahu dayung, lahan perkemahan, kolam pancing, picnic area kerajinan keramik, dsb. Recreational Facilities Swimming hot water soak, paddle boats, camping, fishing pond, picnic area ceramics, etc..
13. 13. Fasilitas restaurant dan bar Restaurant and bar facilities
14. 14. Fasilitas conference & banquet Conference & banquet facilities
Semua fasilitas sudah lengkap di areal seluas 70 Ha tersebut. All the facilities are complete in the area of 70 ha. Dengan segala kemudahan dan kenyamanan yang tersaji. With all the ease and comfort presented.
Obyek Wisata di Ciater Tourism in Ciater
Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort
Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort terletak pada kawasan pegunungan Subang, di kaki gunung Tangkuban Perahu tepatnya di Desa Ciater, Kecamatan Jalancagak Kab. Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort is located in Subang mountainous region, at the foot of Mount Tangkuban Perahu Ciater precisely in the Village, District Jalancagak Kab. Subang. Subang. Obyek wisata ini merupakan salah satu obyek terpopuler di Indonesia. Sightseeing is one of the most popular objects in Indonesia. Para wisatawan dapat menikmati sumber mata air panas yang berasal dari kawah aktif Gunung Tangkuban Perahu yang terletak tidak jauh dari obyek wisata Sari Ater. The tourists can enjoy hot springs coming from the active crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is located not far from attractions Sari Ater. Sumber mata air panas tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk kolam dan kamar rendam dengan desain yang unik, yang tersebar dibeberapa lokasi obyek wisata Sari Ater. Hot springs is presented in the form of wading pool and rooms with a unique design, which spread in several locations attractions Sari Ater. Dengan luas areal 30 Ha dan pesona alam khas pegunungan, Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort banyak memberikan fasilitas wisata bagi para wisatawan yang berekreasi bersama keluarga untuk menikmati keindahan alam. With a total area of 30 Ha and natural charm of a typical mountain, Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort provides many tourist facilities for tourists to relax with the family to enjoy the beauty of nature. Fasilitas wisata yang diberikan kepada para wisatawan yang berkunjung ke obyek wisata ini diantaranya adalah: Tourist facilities provided to the tourists who visit these attractions are:
* Fasilitas resort Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort mempunyai 103 kamar dan bungalow dengan berbagai tipe, lengkap dengan fasilitas ruangannya. * Facilities at the resort Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort has 103 rooms and bungalows with various types, complete with office facilities.
* Fasilitas olahraga dan adventure Tenis lapangan, basket, volley, put & put mini golf, wahana anak-anak, tea walk, paint ball games, gokart off road, dsb. * Tennis facilities and adventure sports field, basketball, volleyball, golf mini put put &, kids rides, tea walk, paint ball games, go-kart off road, etc..
* Fasilitas rekreasi Kolam rendam air panas, perahu dayung, lahan perkemahan, kolam pancing, picnic area kerajinan keramik, dsb. * Recreation facilities Swimming hot water soak, boat rowing, camping, fishing pond, picnic area ceramics, etc..
* Fasilitas restaurant dan bar * Restaurant and bar facilities
* Fasilitas conference & banquet * Conference & banquet facilities
Ciater Spa Ciater Spa
Ciater Spa adalah suatu tempat medical dan health centre yang juga memberikan fasilitas wisata sehingga pengunjung dapat melakukan pengobatan secara modern dan canggih untuk merehabilitasi berbagai penyakit sambil berekreasi bersama keluarga. Ciater Spa is a place of medical and health centers also provide tourist facilities so that visitors can do in a modern and sophisticated treatment for the rehabilitation of various diseases while recreation with family. Fasilitas rekreasi yang disediakan antara lain kolam rendam air panas, camping ground, berperahu pada danau buatan serta disediakan juga resort untuk beristirahat. Recreational facilities provided include hot water wading pool, camping ground, boating on the artificial lake and provided also resorts to rest. Gracia dapat menjadi alternatif pilihan wisatawan untuk sekedar menikmati keindahan panorama Subang sambil melakukan kegiatan tea walk, jogging track dan berenang bersama keluarga. Grace can be an alternative choice of tourists to just enjoy the panoramic beauty of Subang while performing activities of tea walk, jogging track and swimming with the family.
Pusat Pacuan Kuda Ciater Horse Racing Center Ciater
Pusat Pacuan Kuda Ciater terletak dalam kawasan Ciater Highland Resort di tengah perkebunan teh yang menghampar luas. Horse Racing Center located in the region Ciater Ciater Highland Resort in the middle of tea plantations that extend widely. Merupakan salah satu pusat pacuan kuda yang mempunyai fasilitas yang cukup lengkap bagi para penggemar olahraga berkuda. It is one of horse racing centers that have facilities that are complete enough for fans of equestrian sports. Fasilitas indoor dengan luas 7000 m2 dan outdoor untuk berlatih kuda juga istal beserta sarana penunjang lainnya yang dapat menampung lebih dari 800 ekor kuda adalah fasilitas yang tersedia disana. Facilities with an area of 7000 m2 indoor and outdoor stables to train horses and other support facilities which can accommodate more than 800 horses are the facilities available there. Para pengunjung dapat menikmati keindahan pesona alam perkebunan teh baik di dalam kawasan resort ataupun di luar kawasan resort sambil berkuda, cross country ataupun buggy trail adalah aktivitas yang patut dicoba. The visitors can enjoy the beauty of the natural charm of the tea plantations both inside or outside the resort area resort area while riding, cross country, or buggy trail is an activity that's worth a try. Selain berkuda, anda dan keluarga juga dapat melakukan kegiatan rekreasi lain dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas sport komplek yang telah dilengkapi dengan restaurant dan karaoke. In addition to riding, you and your family can also do other recreational activities to take advantage of sports facilities complex that has been equipped with a restaurant and karaoke. Kolam renang dengan desain yang unik, tempat bermain anak, camping ground serta tea walk juga dapat dilakukan disana. Swimming pool with a unique design, children's playground, camping ground and tea walk can also be done there.
Jika hendak pulang, jangan lupa membeli buah nanas, buah kebanggaan Kota Subang, Jawa Barat. If you want to go home, do not forget to buy the pineapple fruit, fruit of the pride of the City Subang, West Java. Buah nanas di sini penuh air dan manis. Pineapple here full of water and sweet. Atau sempatkan diri mencicipi sajian khas, sate dan sop kelinci, yang diperdagangkan di banyak warung makan. Or a time to taste the dish typical self, rabbit satay and soup, which is traded on the many food stalls. Sari Ater bisa ditempuh menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dan kendaraan umum. Sari Ater can be traveled using private cars and public transport.
Lokasi : Location:

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