Tourism Objects can be reached by private car or public use. The distance of Navan town about 15 km and can be reached within 15 minutes with traffic that is not too dense. If you want to use public transport tourists to ride public transportation from the terminal in Purwokerto and alight at the terminal lokawisata Baturaden. If you want more practical travelers can use a taxi. If you decide to use personal vehicles, should be careful because some streets are uphill with a slope of more than 30 derajat.Beberapa interesting attractions here
Pitu shower Baturaden (7 pieces fountains, hot and contains sulfur) Shower TeluTelaga SunyiBumi PerkemahanPemandian Hot Water and Pool Valley Combong renangCurug CehengWahana Wista
Lebaran holiday is usually the way to this resort is jammed, and if you bring the car is better prepared wooden beams to prop up the tire.

Sightseeing Baturaden is located at the south foot of Mount Slamet, District Baturaden, Purwokerto, Banyumas regency, Central Java. You can enjoy beautiful mountain scenery with trees that are very shady and cool. In the vicinity of this Baturaden there are so many places that can be enjoyed by visitors. One of them is Baturaden Botanical Gardens which provide a variety of potential flora and fauna.
Besides the existence of various kinds and types of flora and fauna in this place are still holding many kinds of beauty that is the most amazing showers 3 (Barbadensis) that drain the hot water and contains sulfur which is said to treat various skin diseases and bone, shower 7 (Pitu ), Goa Sarabada where the tourists can find some sort of golden brown rocks that also can enjoy hot and cold water that flows, Lake Lonely, Ceheng waterfall, waterfall Cipendok, bath rotten time. For those of you who want to camp here as well provided the campsite.
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